ICONIC Human Design

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Human Design Business - Invest in Your Success

Are you interested in using Human Design Business to improve your business and bottom line? The BG5 method, also known as the "Tesla of Typing Systems," is a cutting-edge tool that uses the Human Design System to tackle practical, business-related problems. The Washington Post declared "IN" the Human Design System for 2023, and with good reason. It can revolutionize your professional and personal life to engineer success in careers, teams, and businesses. However, knowing where to start can take time and effort with so much online information. That's where the BG5BI comes in.

As the Business and Career application of Human Design, BG5 focuses on the key areas that will impact your client's Success and survival in today's ever-changing world. And as the demand for this expertise continues to grow, now is the time to position yourself as the go-to expert in this field. Our Certification courses are designed for coaches, consultants, and other business professionals who want to add these valuable tools to their practice. And if you're considering a career change, this is the perfect opportunity to leverage Human Design's exponential popularity to become the professional coach or consultant you've always wanted to be.

Our courses offer personalized instruction that helps you understand and apply the BG5 system to your and your client's unique design and situation. You'll learn a clear and concise language that makes it easy to understand and implement and be guided by highly knowledgeable, trained, and experienced teachers. The course materials include detailed presentations, images, and videos to illustrate concepts and "Business In a Box" slide decks to make conducting sessions a snap. And most importantly, our course will empower you to provide your clients with practical solutions to improve their lives and bottom line.

As one of only a handful of business coaching companies that is internationally accredited to offer CEUs, we adhere to the International Accreditors for Continuing Education & Training (IACET) Standard, which is the core of thousands of educational programs worldwide. Our material, direction, and capacity in career maps can be cultivated and further developed when understood and engineered.

I have witnessed the radical shifts that a decade of experimentation has made in my life and those of my clients. Human Design Businesses can facilitate Success in one's life by leveraging our design using the tools we need to operate correctly. BG5 is the material evolution of Human Design.

Do you want to help others bring in the material resources they need? BG5 is essential information for this aim. The goal is to guide individuals in finding fulfillment and Success in the material world of career and business. BG5 provides tools and uses business language for a broader reach. We offer practical solutions to their issues or concerns in a language that makes sense in business. According to Gallup's State of the Global Workplace: 2022 Report, only 21% of US Employees are engaged. I am passionate about teaching you how to handle this problem because Human Design Business offers a solution you can get paid for with rave reviews. We take the fundamental issue that all humans face: how to prosper in our jobs, careers, and businesses materially. It feels enormously rewarding to help others see how they are designed to make money aligned to their design in a fulfilling way to achieve their life's work and purpose.

Ready to become a high-caliber, global business and career consultant? You can guide others to their highest material potential to gain your financial rewards.

1) Sign-up for the first Foundations session on me here.

2) Sign-up for the first Certifications session on me here.

Sign up now and let us help you reach new heights of success.

To your Success in 2023!



BG5 Business Institute


International Human Design School

Faculty Teacher